Isonicotinic Acid

Isonicotinic Acid structural formula

CAS Number55-22-1
Molecular FormulaC6H5NO2
Molecular Weight123.112
  • Isonicotinic acid
  • Pyridine-4-carboxylic acid
  • 4-Pyridinecarboxylic acid
  • 55-22-1
  • 4-Pyridinecarboxylic acid
  • 4-Carboxypyridine
  • 4-Picolinic acid
  • 4-Pyridylcarboxylic acid
  • Acide isonicotinique
  • acido isonicotinico
  • Isonicotinsaure
  • NSC 1483
  • p-Pyridinecarboxylic acid
  • γ-Picolinic acid
  • γ-Pyridinecarboxylic acid
  • 1,4-Dihydroisonicotinic acid
  • EINECS 200-228-2
  • Acide iso-nicotinique
  • gamma-picolinic acid
  • gamma-pyridinecarboxylic acid
  • pyridine-4-carboxylic acid


HPLC Method for Analysis of Isonicotinic Acid on Primesep 100 Column

August 6, 2024

High Performance Liquid Chromatography (HPLC) Method for Analysis of Isonicotinic Acid on Primesep 100 by SIELC Technologies

Separation type: Liquid Chromatography Mixed-mode SIELC Technologies

HPLC Method for Analysis of Isonicotinic Acid on Primesep 100 Column

 High Performance Liquid Chromatography (HPLC) Method for Analysis of Isonicotinic Acid

Isonicotinic Acid can be retained, separated and analyzed using a Primesep 100 mixed-mode stationary phase column. The analysis employs an isocratic method with a simple mobile phase comprising water, acetonitrile (MeCN), and sulfuric acid as a buffer. This method allows for detection using UV 200 nm.

You can find detailed UV spectra of Isonicotinic Acid and information about its various lambda maxima by visiting the following link.

ColumnPrimesep 100, 4.6 x 150 mm, 5 µm, 100 A
Mobile PhaseMeCN – 10%
BufferH2SO4 -0.05%
Flow Rate1.0 ml/min
DetectionUV 200 nm
Samples1.0 mg/ml in MeCN/H2O – 50/50%
Injection volume1 µl
LOD*2 ppb (200 nm)
* LOD was determined for this combination of instrument, method, and analyte, and it can vary from one laboratory to another even when the same general type of analysis is being performed.

Class of Compounds
Analyzing CompoundsIsonicotinic Acid

Application Column

Primesep 100

Column Diameter: 4.6 mm
Column Length: 150 mm
Particle Size: 5 µm
Pore Size: 100 A

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Application Analytes:
Isonicotinic Acid
SIELC Technologies usually develops more than one method for each compound. Therefore, this particular method may not be the best available method from our portfolio for your specific application. Before you decide to implement this method in your research, please send us an email to so we can ensure you get optimal results for your compound/s of interest.

UV-Vis Spectrum of Isonicotinic Acid

August 5, 2024


UV-Vis Spectrum of Isonicotinic Acid. Absorption Maxima: 214 nm, 264 nm.

For optimal results in HPLC analysis, it is recommended to measure absorbance at a wavelength that matches the absorption maximum of the compound(s) being analyzed. The UV spectrum shown can assist in selecting an appropriate wavelength for your analysis. Please note that certain mobile phases and buffers may block wavelengths below 230 nm, rendering absorbance measurement at these wavelengths ineffective. If detection below 230 nm is required, it is recommended to use acetonitrile and water as low UV-transparent mobile phases, with phosphoric acid and its salts, sulfuric acid, and TFA as buffers.
For some compounds, the UV-Vis Spectrum is affected by the pH of the mobile phase. The spectra presented here are measured with an acidic mobile phase that has a pH of 3 or lower.

Application Analytes:
Isonicotinic Acid
SIELC Technologies usually develops more than one method for each compound. Therefore, this particular method may not be the best available method from our portfolio for your specific application. Before you decide to implement this method in your research, please send us an email to so we can ensure you get optimal results for your compound/s of interest.

HPLC Separation of Pyridinecarboxylic Acids

March 27, 2011

Pyridinecarboxylic acids exist as three isomers with different position of carboxylic acid relative to nitrogen in pyridine. Three isomers of pyridinecarboxylic acid (picolinic or 2-pyridinecarvoxylic acid, niacin or 3-pyridinecarboxylic acid, isonicotinic or 4-pyridinecarboxylic acid), along with pyridinedicarboxylic acid, are separated on a Primesep 100 column. Pyridinecarboxylic acids have a similar empirical formula, and are very similar in terms of hydrophobicity and ionic properties. Small differences in these properties are enough to achieve good separation on cation-exchange mixed-mode HPLC column like Primesep 100. Retention time for all compounds is controlled by the amount of acetonitrile and amount of ions in the mobile phase. Ions in the mobile phase can be created by organic and inorganic acids and corresponding salt buffers. Various detection techniques can be used for monitoring pyridinecarboxylic acids. Other ionizable isomers can be successfully separated on mixed-mode columns.

Application Column

Primesep 100

The Primesep family of mixed-mode columns offers a wide variety of stationary phases, boasting unprecedented selectivity in the separation of a broad array of chemical compounds across multiple applications. Corresponding Primesep guard columns, available with all stationary phases, do not require holders. SIELC provides a method development service available to all customers. Inquire about our specially-tailored custom LC-phases for specific separations.

Select options
Application Analytes:
Isonicotinic Acid
Nicotinic Acid/Niacin (3-pyridinecarboxylic acid)
Organic Acids
Picolinic Acid
Pyridinedicarboxylic Acid

Application Detection:
UV Detection
SIELC Technologies usually develops more than one method for each compound. Therefore, this particular method may not be the best available method from our portfolio for your specific application. Before you decide to implement this method in your research, please send us an email to so we can ensure you get optimal results for your compound/s of interest.

HPLC Separation of Vitamin C, Vitamin Group B, and Related Impurities

August 22, 2008

Vitamin C (ascorbic acid) and Vitamins Group B are separated on Obelisc N mixed-mode column. Method can be used in quantitation and determination of polar vitamins in various formulations and dietary supplements. HPLC method can be based on UV, Evaporative Light Scattering Detection (ESLD), RI or MS detection. Effect of sample matrix can be eliminated by changing mobile phase conditions. Buffer concentration, buffer pH and amount of ACN will affect every vitamin differently due to difference in polar and ionic properties.


Column Obelisc N , 4.6×150 mm, 5 µm, 100A
Mobile Phase MeCN/H2O
Buffer AmAc pH 5.0
Flow Rate 1.0 ml/min
Detection UV, 250 nm



Class of Compounds
Drug, Vitamin B₆, Hydrophobic, Ionizable
Analyzing Compounds Pyridoxine, Ascorbic acid, Niacinamide, Pantothenic acid, Caffeine, Riboflavin, Barbituric Acid,  3- Aminopyrine

Application Column

Obelisc N

SIELC has developed the Obelisc™ columns, which are mixed-mode and utilize Liquid Separation Cell technology (LiSC™). These cost-effective columns are the first of their kind to be commercially available and can replace multiple HPLC columns, including reversed-phase (RP), AQ-type reversed-phase, polar-embedded group RP columns, normal-phase, cation-exchange, anion-exchange, ion-exclusion, and HILIC (Hydrophilic Interaction Liquid Chromatography) columns. By controlling just three orthogonal method parameters - buffer concentration, buffer pH, and organic modifier concentration - users can adjust the column properties with pinpoint precision to separate complex mixtures.

Select options
Application Analytes:

Ascorbic Acid
Barbituric Acid
Isonicotinic Acid
Nicotinic Acid/Niacin (3-pyridinecarboxylic acid)
Vitamin B2 (Riboflavin)
Vitamin B6 (Pyridoxine)

Application Detection:
UV Detection
SIELC Technologies usually develops more than one method for each compound. Therefore, this particular method may not be the best available method from our portfolio for your specific application. Before you decide to implement this method in your research, please send us an email to so we can ensure you get optimal results for your compound/s of interest.