
Revolutionizing Oligonucleotide Analysis: Introducing the Bridge Ion Separation Technique (BIST®)

We’re thrilled to share an exciting breakthrough in the field of oligonucleotide analysis! Our team has pioneered cutting-edge technology that revolutionizes the way we analyze these critical molecules.

Simplified and Precise Analysis with BIST®

Imagine achieving precise and efficient analysis using a straightforward mobile phase, composed of just H₂O and MeCN. This innovation not only simplifies the process but also delivers high-quality results with remarkable ease. Our proprietary method streamlines oligonucleotide analysis, making it more accessible without compromising on precision.

The Bridge Ion Separation Technique (BIST®)

Recently, we reported on a novel liquid chromatography technique that we have named the Bridge Ion Separation Technique (BIST®). This method provides a superior way to efficiently separate oligonucleotides, which are essential molecules in various scientific fields.

How BIST® Works

The BIST® method requires:

The key to BIST® is the formation of a “bridge” between the negatively charged oligonucleotides and the negatively charged stationary phase, facilitated by a double-charged positive ion. Through extensive research, we discovered that Mg²⁺ ions offer the best results for this bridge formation.

Why BIST® is a Game-Changer Adjustable Retention:

  1. The amount of water in the mobile phase is crucial, as it influences the solvation of double-charged ions. By reducing the organic modifier, oligonucleotides can be easily eluted from the column.
  2. Correlation with Nucleobase Number: The retention time in BIST® correlates with the number of nucleobases in the oligonucleotide chain. This phenomenon aligns with the bridge formation process, where longer oligonucleotide chains possess more phosphate groups, providing additional negative charges for bridging. As a result, longer chains exhibit stronger retention.  This retention behavior is crucial in BIST®, as the negative phosphate groups present more opportunities for forming bridges with the stationary phase, leading to longer retention times.
  3. Effect of Oligonucleotide Geometry: The geometry of oligonucleotide molecules also impacts retention, with different sequences of the same length showing varied retention times due to the distinct arrangements of nucleobases.

Discover More Our innovative approach is set to revolutionize the field, offering unmatched efficiency and ease of use. For more detailed examples and in-depth information, check out our newsletter for the latest updates and detailed results. Oligonucleotides application examples

Oligonucleotides application examples