HPLC Method for Methyl methanesulfonate on Primesep N by SIELC Technologies
High Performance Liquid Chromatography (HPLC) Method for Analysis of Methyl methanesulfonate
Methyl methanesulfonate (MMS) is an organic compound with the molecular formula C₂H₆O₄S. It is a potent alkylating agent known for its ability to transfer methyl groups to DNA, proteins, and other cellular components. Due to its strong mutagenic and cytotoxic properties, MMS is widely used in scientific research to study DNA damage, repair mechanisms, and genotoxicity.
Methyl methanesulfonate can be retained and analyzed using the Primesep N stationary phase column. The analysis utilizes an isocratic method with a simple mobile phase consisting solely of isopropyl alcohol (IPA). Detection is performed using a Refractive Index (RI) detector.
Column | Primesep N, 4.6 x 250 mm, 3 µm, 100 A |
Mobile Phase | IPA – 100% |
Buffer | None |
Flow Rate | 0.4 ml/min |
Detection | RI |
LOD | 12.9 ppm |
*LOD was determined for this combination of instrument, method, and analyte, and it can vary from one laboratory to another even when the same general type of analysis is being performed.
Class of Compounds | Alkylating Agents |
Analyzing Compounds | Methyl methanesulfonate |
Application Column
Primesep N
Column Diameter: 4.6 mm
Column Length: 250 mm
Particle Size: 3 µm
Pore Size: 100 A