

CAS Number14432-12-3
Molecular FormulaC5H5ClN2
Molecular Weight128.559
  • 4-Amino-2-chloropyridine
  • 14432-12-3
  • 2-Chloropyridin-4-amine
  • 2-Chloro-4-aminopyridine
  • 2-Chloro-pyridin-4-ylamine
  • 4-Pyridinamine, 2-chloro-
  • 2-Chloro-4-pyridinamine
  • 2-chlorpyridin-4-amin
  • 2-chloro-4-pyridylamine
  • 2-chloro-4-amino pyridine
  • 4-amino-2-chloro pyridine
  • MFCD00060089
  • EINECS 238-403-0
  • PubChem1248
  • ACMC-1AWQ4
  • 2-Chloro-4-amino-pyridine
  • AC1L37GD
  • AC1Q1I8O
  • 2-Chloro-4-pyridinamine
  • #SCHEMBL40039
  • KSC490Q9L
  • TPC-PY030
  • AC1Q51N8
  • AC1Q51N9
  • Jsp002599
  • CTK3J0895
  • DTXSID20162674
  • 4-Amino-2-chloropyridine, 97%


HPLC Method for Analysis of 4-Amino-2-chloropyridine on Primesep 100 Column

July 30, 2024

High Performance Liquid Chromatography (HPLC) Method for Analysis of 4-Amino-2-Chloropyridine on Primesep 100 by SIELC Technologies

Separation type: Liquid Chromatography Mixed-mode SIELC Technologies

HPLC Method for Analysis of 4-Amino-2-chloropyridine on Primesep 100 Column

 High Performance Liquid Chromatography (HPLC) Method for Analysis of 4-Amino-2-Chloropyridine

4-Amino-2-chloropyridine is a chemical compound with the molecular formula C5H5ClN2. It’s a derivative of pyridine, featuring both an amino group (-NH2) and a chlorine atom as substituents.

4-Amino-2-chloropyridine is often used in organic synthesis and pharmaceuticals. It can serve as an intermediate in the production of various active pharmaceutical ingredients (APIs) and in the synthesis of other complex organic molecules.

4-Amino-2-Chloropyridine be retained and analyzed using a Primesep 100 mixed-mode stationary phase column. The analysis employs an isocratic method with a simple mobile phase comprising water, acetonitrile (MeCN), and sulfuric acid as a buffer. This method allows for detection using UV 200 nm

ColumnPrimesep 100, 4.6 x 150 mm, 5 µm, 100 A
Mobile PhaseMeCN – 45%
BufferH2SO4 -0.05%
Flow Rate1.0 ml/min
DetectionUV 200 nm
Samples1.0 mg/ml MeCN/H2O – 50/50%
Injection volume1 µl
LOD*8 ppb (200 nm)
* LOD was determined for this combination of instrument, method, and analyte, and it can vary from one laboratory to another even when the same general type of analysis is being performed.

Class of Compounds
Analyzing Compounds4-Amino-2-Chloropyridine

Application Column

Primesep 100

Column Diameter: 4.6 mm
Column Length: 150 mm
Particle Size: 5 µm
Pore Size: 100 A

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Application Analytes:

Application Detection:
UV Detection
SIELC Technologies usually develops more than one method for each compound. Therefore, this particular method may not be the best available method from our portfolio for your specific application. Before you decide to implement this method in your research, please send us an email to research@sielc.com so we can ensure you get optimal results for your compound/s of interest.

Separation of Model Compounds in Reversed-Phase and Mixed-Mode

April 25, 2019

Separation type: Liquid Chromatography Mixed-mode

Many compounds are difficult, if not impossible, to separate on reverse-phase columns in HPLC. Other compounds cannot be separated on ion-exchange columns. That’s where the mixed-mode columns come in. By using a stationary phase with both hydrophobic and ion-exchange properties, allows the chromatographer to have additional controls over separation conditions. Here, we demonstrate the separation of compounds that can’t be achieved on a C18 column. By using both an organic gradient and buffer gradient of ammonium formate (AmFm), we can separate structurally similar compounds that can’t be separated on a reverse-phase column alone.



Column Primesep 100, 3,2×50 mm, 2,7 µm, 100A
Mobile Phase Gradient  MeCN – 10-60%, 5 min
Buffer Gradient AmFm pH 3.5- 30 – 70 mM, 5 min
Flow Rate 1.2 ml/min
Detection UV, 270 nm



Class of Compounds
Drug,  Basic, Hydrophilic, Hydrophobic, Ionizable.
Analyzing Compounds Adenosine, 3,4-Difluroaniline, 4-Amino-2-chloropyridine, 5-Aminoindole, 4-Amino-3-chloropyridine, 2-Amino 5-methylthiadiazole, 4-Ethylaniline


Application Column

Primesep 100

The Primesep family of mixed-mode columns offers a wide variety of stationary phases, boasting unprecedented selectivity in the separation of a broad array of chemical compounds across multiple applications. Corresponding Primesep guard columns, available with all stationary phases, do not require holders. SIELC provides a method development service available to all customers. Inquire about our specially-tailored custom LC-phases for specific separations.

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Application Analytes:
SIELC Technologies usually develops more than one method for each compound. Therefore, this particular method may not be the best available method from our portfolio for your specific application. Before you decide to implement this method in your research, please send us an email to research@sielc.com so we can ensure you get optimal results for your compound/s of interest.