
Azodicarbonamide structural formula

CAS Number123-77-3
Molecular FormulaC2H4N4O2
Molecular Weight116.081
  • Azodicarbonamide
  • Diazene-1,2-dicarboxamide
  • 1,2-Diazenedicarboxamide
  • 123-77-3
  • Diazenedicarboxamide
  • 1,1'-Azobis[formamide]
  • 1,1'-Azobiscarbamide
  • 1,1'-Azobisformamide
  • 1,1'-Azodiformamide
  • 1,2-Diazenedicarboxamide
  • ADK Stab OF 14
  • AZ Ultra 3050
  • Azobis CA
  • Azobis CA 110B
  • Azobis CA 51C
  • Azobiscarbonamide
  • Azobiscarboxamide
  • Azobisformamide
  • Azodicarbamide
  • Azodicarboxamide
  • Azodicarboxylic acid diamide
  • Azodiformamide
  • Azoform A
  • Azoplastone
  • C,C'-Azodi(formamid)
  • C,C'-azodi(formamida)
  • C,C'-Azodi(formamide)
  • Cellborn DW 6
  • Cellcom A
  • Cellmic 223
  • Cellmic C
  • Cellmic C 1
  • Cellmic C 121
  • Cellmic C 191
  • Cellmic C 2
  • Cellmic C 217
  • Cellmic C 22
  • Cellmic CA 500
  • Cellmic CAP
  • Cellmic CAP 500
  • Cellmic CE
  • Cellmic M 257
  • Cellmic MB 1031A
  • Cellmic MB 3013
  • Celogen 125FF
  • Celogen 725B
  • Celogen 765A
  • Celogen AZ
  • Celogen AZ 120
  • Celogen AZ 130
  • Celogen AZ 199
  • Celogen AZ 3990
  • Daiblow AC
  • Daiblow AC 2040L
  • Emarcell BA
  • Excellar S 10
  • Fascom AZ 4ED
  • Ferrocell AZC 13R
  • Ficel AC
  • Ficel EP-A
  • Formamide, 1,1'-azobis-
  • Genitron AC
  • Genitron AC 2
  • Genitron AC 3
  • Genitron AC 4
  • Genitron ACSP 4
  • Genitron EPC
  • Genitron EPE
  • Kempore
  • Kempore 125
  • Kempore 200
  • Kempore 60/40
  • Kempore R 125
  • Lagocell 20
  • Lucel ADA
  • Luvopor 9241
  • Luvopor ABF 70P-FF
  • Nortech MF 1062FA
  • NSC 41038
  • NSC 674447
  • Paramid K 1
  • Pinhole ACR 3
  • Pinhole AK 2
  • Poramid K 1
  • Porofor 505
  • Porofor ADC
  • Porofor ADC/E-C 2
  • Porofor ADC/L-C 2
  • Porofor ADC/M-C 1
  • Porofor ADC/S-C 2
  • Porofor ChKhZ 21
  • Porofor ChKhZ 21r
  • Porofor KA 9149
  • Rhenogran ADC/K 50
  • Supercell AZ 2D
  • Supercell K-D
  • Supercell L-D
  • Supercell V-D
  • Tracel DB 201/50PE
  • UN 3242
  • Unicell D
  • Unicell D 1500
  • Unicell D 200
  • Unicell D 200A
  • Unicell D 400
  • Unifoam 1100
  • Unifoam AZ
  • Unifoam AZ 40
  • Unifoam AZ 50
  • Unifoam AZ Ultra 3220
  • Unifoam AZH
  • Unifoam AZH 25
  • Unifoam AZH-M
  • Unifoam AZ-L
  • Unifoam AZ-L 25
  • Unifoam AZM
  • Unifoam AZ-MFE 583
  • Unifoam AZS
  • Unifoam AZSO 20
  • Unifoam AZ-T 8
  • Unifoam AZ-V 45
  • Unifoam SOL
  • Unifoam Z
  • Vinifor AC 3A
  • Vinifor AC-T
  • Vinyfor AC
  • Vinyfor AC 1
  • Vinyfor AC 1C
  • Vinyfor AC 1L
  • Vinyfor AC 2F
  • Vinyfor AC 3
  • Vinyfor AC 3C
  • Vinyfor AC 3C-K2
  • Vinyfor AC 3M
  • Vinyfor AC 3M-K2
  • Vinyfor AC 50S
  • Vinyfor AC-LQ
  • Vinyfor AC-R
  • Vinyfor AW 9
  • Vinyfor DW 6
  • Vinyfor FE 788
  • Vinyfor FZ 80
  • Vinyfor SE 30
  • Vinyfor SW 7
  • Vinyfor SW 9
  • Vinylol AC
  • ?1,1'-Biurea
  • Azodicarboamide
  • delta(1,1')-Biurea
  • Celosen AZ
  • EINECS 204-650-8
  • NCI-C55981
  • Nitropore
  • Porofor adc/R
  • Porofor DhKhZ 21
  • Uniform AZ
  • Yunihomu AZ
  • UNII-56Z28B9C8O
  • 1006730-14-8
  • 131715-26-9
  • 183256-78-2
  • 218433-14-8
  • 221272-72-6
  • 52737-71-0
  • 62494-61-5
  • 62494-62-6
  • 62494-85-3
  • 65098-86-4
  • 65098-87-5
  • 72514-45-5
  • 73247-42-4
  • 73905-77-8
  • 81774-20-1
  • 882523-85-5
  • 89073-35-8
  • 97707-96-5


Separation of Azodicarbonamide on Newcrom R1 HPLC column

February 16, 2018
Separation of Azodicarbonamide on Newcrom C18 HPLC column

Azodicarbonamide can be analyzed by this reverse phase (RP) HPLC method with simple conditions. The mobile phase contains an acetonitrile (MeCN), water, and phosphoric acid. For Mass-Spec (MS) compatible applications the phosphoric acid needs to be replaced with formic acid. Smaller 3 µm particles columns available for fast UPLC applications. This liquid chromatography method is scalable and can be used for isolation impurities in preparative separation. It also suitable for pharmacokinetics.

Application Column

Newcrom R1

The Newcrom columns are a family of reverse-phase-based columns. Newcrom A, AH, B, and BH are all mixed-mode columns with either positive or negative ion-pairing groups attached to either short (25 Å) or long (100 Å) ligand chains. Newcrom R1 is a special reverse-phase column with low silanol activity.

Select options
Application Analytes:
The result was obtained by a proprietary SIELC algorithm. It may deviate from the actual experimental data. The experimental data are available upon request. Contact us by e-mail: or by phone: 847-229-2629.