HPLC Simulation

Retention 5.41 min Plates 12345
Pressure 4044.06 psi K-value 10.21

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Error. Incorrect input.

Newcrom R1

The Newcrom columns are a family of reverse-phase-based columns. Newcrom A, AH, B, and BH are all mixed-mode columns with either positive or negative ion-pairing groups attached to either short (25 Å) or long (100 Å) ligand chains. Newcrom R1 is a special reverse-phase column with low silanol activity.

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AI Simulation
The result was obtained by a proprietary SIELC algorithm. It may deviate from the actual experimental data. The experimental data are available upon request. Contact us before ordering the column as there may be a more suitable column alternative by either e-mail: support@sielc.com or by phone: 847-229-2629.